Tax Representation to States and Federal Governments

Tax Representation to States and Federal Governments

Nothing strikes fear in the hearts of people more than receiving an IRS Audit letter in the mail. Audits take significant time away from your business and family, requiring you to gather mounds of records substantiating each and every item reported on your tax return and develop a comprehensive understanding of tax law.

Non Field Tax Returns

Every day the massive computer center at the IRS is getting more sophisticated, it’s just a matter of time before they catch up with you.

This is not a situation to take lightly; failing to file your tax returns is a criminal offense. If you do not file, you can be prosecuted and punished with potential jail time. Why risk potentially losing your freedom for failing to file your tax returns!

Let us give you the peace of mind you deserve by helping you get in compliance with the law. If you voluntarily file your delinquent returns you’ll likely avoid further problems other than having to pay the interest and penalties.

If you wait for the IRS to file your returns for you, they are filed in the best interest of the government, usually with little or none of the deductions you are entitled to.

Before anything can be done to extract you from this predicament all the returns must be filed. You must be current. In most cases, you will likely owe taxes, interest, and penalties after the returns are filed. Once we see how much is owed, we’ll set a course of action to get you off the hook!

Back Taxes Owed

You have filed your returns but didn’t have the money to pay what was owed. You may think, “Oh well—I will catch up next year.” Before you know it you find yourself several years in arrears and suddenly there is a notice from the IRS, stating that you owe three or four times the original amount.

It’s truly amazing how fast tax penalties and interest add up. Now you have a choice, you can write a big fat check and pay the full amount, including interest and penalties. Or you can just keep ignoring them while the penalties and interest keep piling up.

Luckily, we offer several options when it comes to resolving unpaid taxes. Please email us to get a Free Consultation with our tax specialist.

schedule your appointment today!!!

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